culture, multiple life, Religion, Zionism

This is one of the most difficult video that we ever made.

Eric is out and proud Zionist and Abu Umar fell strong empathy toward people in Gaza.

Abu Aziza more like with Abu Umar.

Ayman and Ver.B.A. with Eric.

Well, now actually I’m in the middle.

We may have different logical positions but in emotional level our System like splitted in two.

This is a video about all this situation. And what it’s mean to be a System in day like that one.

-Abu Hamza.

#israel #pluralpride #did #osdd #osddsystem #osdd1b #multiplesclerosisawareness #dissociativeidentitydisordersystem #arab #plural #disabilityawareness #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealth

Islam, Jew, multiple life, Religion, Zionism

About Israeli-Palestinian conflict

TW: police violence, antisemitism, Islamophobia






Ok, unpopular opinion!

I hate all mainstream leftist talking about Israel politics. And I wouldn’t even speak about complete ignorance in Zionism history and ideology, that most mainstream leftist have.

And I wouldn’t speak how extremely often “anti Zionism” is actually a nice new name for old “antisemitism”.

It’s completely another topic.

I just want to speak about one simple tendency that pisses me off.

Especially after I lived in Israel and saw the situation there.


1.A: *An Israeli policeman attacked young Muslim man*

(Huge reaction from international media).

B: *A Russian policeman arrested dozens peacful Muslim in their flat because they was talking about Sharia of because they are Salafi/part of peacful Hizb-Ut-Tahrir group*

(Zero reaction from international media).

C:China arrested and tortured hundreds and thousands Muslim.

(No big reaction; not so big as to Israel stuff. Or massive arrests have the same reaction as arresting one man in Israel).

2.A:Israel destroyed some “Palestinian setellment” some years ago.

(Huge reaction even now)

B:Russian government completely destroyed Groznuy (a big city in Chechnya) just to stop separatist movements.

(Well, I’ve never seen any reaction from leftist to this event nowerday. But they remember everything that Israel did)

Reaction to any problems that happened with Muslim in Israel is huge, while even biggest problems with Muslim rights in Russia and other post-USSSR, or China, Burma and other Asian countries never have such attention in media and from leftist activists.

It’s especially piss me off because I lived in Russia when many people used to feel sorry for “poor Palestinian Muslim” just because they haters Jews and belived in Jewish conspiracy. Because the same people actually they harassed and openly hated Muslim in their everyday life.

I don’t say that police in Israel is not a problem- even the majority of people I meet in Israel believe that police are too aggressive and suspicious.

I doesn’t think that there is no discrimination of Arabs in Israel – there is.

Or that politics toward Muslim population in Israel is wise – no, on the contrary.

I just saying that I piss off that many people don’t really care about Muslim or Arabs (Palestinian or any other). They just hate Jews and need justification to their antisemitism.

And everyone- including the media and human rights groups- support them.

And this is sucks!


#Israel #Palestine

Jew, multiple life

About Jewish Systems…

I couldn’t get it: why it’s so important for many Russian-language people that our System is partly Jewish.

Yeah, my grandpa is Jewish. Yeah, Jewish culture is the only culture of my ancestors that we really understand. Yeah, I was faced a strong anti-Semitism in school and on the street while I lived in Ukraine and Russia.

Yeah, one of my former co-host’s is a Jew. Like one of our internal self-helpers.

And yeah, because of all of that many characters in my fictional book is Jewish.

And so what?

There is a big Jewish diaspora in Ukraine, but people behave like it’s something weird that I’m partly Jewish from Donetsk just because in post USSR and USSR culture most Jew tried to hide their identity.

Russian and Ukrainian guys think that I’m showing off just because I don’t hide or ashamed of my Jewish heritage.

And other guys believed that be a Jewish activist/queer/feminist are an awful stereotype. Just like people in post-USSR couldn’t get that everyone could be an activist or a feminist. Just like queer or disabled.

And there is the third category of guys… and they are worse. I’ve seen people like that even in English-speaking internet. I think this folks believe that all Muslim came from the Moon or that Quran have some “Arab-only” segregation mark on the cover. Because they couldn’t believe that yeah, I was Muslim. Yeah, I even was an Islamist. And yeah, most of my current co-host and guys who fronting more are really Muslim. And yeah, my biological grandpa was Jew. And yeeeeeah, I know it and accept it.

All that “People with Jewish heritage couldn’t be a Muslim” is a peculiar combination of Anti-semitism and Islamophobia.

So, guys. All of you. Not just from Ru-net. Just remember:

A) Jews are people and could have any other “differences”.

B) One person could have several differences.

-Ayman & Erik

#jew #osdd #osdd1b #osddsystem #didsystems #didsystem #multiplegang #neurodiversity #xman #magneto #russia #traumagenicsystem #ptsd #ptsdawareness #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness

Activism, Disability, Без рубрики, Islam, Jew, LGBT+, multiple life, queer, refugee, Religion

I refuse to condemn too

This post would be about condemnation because I just finished reading a book about it.

So, I made this mistake myself.

I used to condemn Jewish people for the stuff that Israeli gov. did despite that I’ve never had Israeli citizenship.

I condemned Al-Qaeda and ISIS when I was became a Muslim because non-Muslim demanded me to condemn.

I condemned every gay criminal, every Autistic or mentally ill killer, because I’m queer, Autistic and have OCD. Because in Russia “good activists” have to do it.

What do I get from it? Even more bigotry.

Because when I condemn another person’s crime I made it clear that I’m “part of the problem”.

No one would ask White Cis-Neurotypical man to condemn all the shit that White Cis-Neurotipical man did. So why should we?

When I find out that I’m part of the System I’ve seen the same mistake over and over again.

“We are not Billy Milligan”, we are not responsible for him, we not from Split movie, we are not dangerous”

But why should we say it?

Or especially: “Systems are nice and kind”? Because… no, some Systems are violent. Like some Singlers.

But like Jewish activist Ze’ev Jabotinskiy said about blood libel against the Jews: «They don’t hate us because they think that we did it, they think that we did it because they hate us”.

The same with Systems/Autistic/Muslim/Black, ets.

Jabotinskiy wrote it in 1911.

Black activists like Malcolm X criticize this condemnation stuff in the middle of XX.

Muslims write anthologies about it now, in the middle of the War on Terror.

These groups get that condemnation just doesn’t work when they have a really hard time.

Multiple Systems and Autistic people have a hard time because of ableism, so it’s our turn to understand and stop these condemnations.

And maybe we, people who belong to several marginalized groups and already have this experience, need to stop it first.

P.S. BTW, about intersectionality. I hardly recommend to read the anthology from the picture.

#race #did #didsystem #osdd #osdd1b #mentalhealth #autism #actuallyautistic #islam #jew #osddsystem #mentalhealthawareness #malcolmx

(White person with a book “I refuse to condemn. Resisting racism in times of national security” (anthology edited by Asia Qureshi)

Activism, Jew, multiple life, Zionism

Meet the alter. Part 7. Magneto.

Erik in my body sitting near the wall with our books about Jewish history. Erik wearing “Magneto was right” T-short and his silver David-Star pendantErik - how he looks like in the inner world. In the inner world he is 73 years old man who looks like Ian McKellen when he played Magneto. So the white Erik - how he look like in the inner world. In the inner world he is 73 years old man who looks like Ian McKellen when he played Magneto. So it’s White Gray-haired man in the output and red superhero costume. But sometimes Erik could became his younger version of self. Don’t have a clue how it’s works.

TW: this alter is considered himself a Holocaust survivor. And he is a Mutant from X-men universe. So there is many stuff about discrimination.




My name is Erik Lehnsherr.

The name that was given me by birth was Max Eisenhardt. The world know me as Magneto. I’m a Mutant. The part of Homo Superiors race who fights for it’s survival.

Homo sapiens hates us and tries to destroys just because we are different.

Just like the Nazi tried to destroy Jews during the Holocaust.

I’m a Holocaust survivor. I lost my family in Auschwitz when I was a kid. Since then my life became one big “Never Again” story.

Just like Ayman’s life. We have so much in common – Ayman and me. Lina always said that if Ayman were a neurotypical, they would be like me.

We share some political ideas and combinations of radicalism/diplomacy with Ayman. We were engaged in activism together, and most of the stuff that Ayman done in Autistic/LGBT activism in Russia were done when I was there constant co-host. It was easy to us to live in symbiosis with Ayman because we were so alike – we even have the same post-traumatic psychological problems. They learned to speak out loud about their problem when I was speaking about my problems in our body. They learned to accept her collectivistic solidarity with her minority’s when they were speaking about me and with me. And they finely faced her old memory’s about anti Semitic traumas because of me. Ayman started to speak about Little Ayman who were really afraid to die in death camp because they have strong Jewish identity and were forced to live in anti-Semitic environment because I tell this story with them. I was the one who continued to felt the pain from discrimination and antisemitism even when Ayman doesn’t felt it. And maybe Ayman learned to face and started to remembered this stuff because of me.

But my existence is not only about Ayman. Yes, I know that I’m one of the alter and already accepted it, my dear friends. But Ayman just an alter too. They are not my God, just friend who is more powerful in this reality then me. And they are much better friend then Charles.

What I like?

I like to think about my revenge on X-Man.

I like to make plans how I could safe mutant-kind from humans. I like speak about it with Lina. I like read X-men comics and watch X-Man films and laughs with all that pacific-kind of naivety if my old friends. Or cry when I lost my loved one. I share Ayman’s interest toward Zionism and Jewish history. I like argue with folks who believe that Zhabotinsky

were worse than Ben-Gurion. I like to write in co-con the stories about the one Holocaust survivor guy for Ayman’s book series. I like to choose stuff for this body (it’s tricky- Ayman likes blue, I like red), to read the books, to run, to listen some music. I like to live. Especially when life is a little bit safe. It’s doesn’t matter that I’m a fictive alter, my dear friends. You may considered me and my world like something unreal. But after all no one could proof that they are real, or that their world are not a dream. It’s just a philosophy.

(Image description:

Photo 1: Erik in my body sitting near the wall with our books about Jewish history. Erik wearing “Magneto was right” T-short and his silver David-Star pendant.

Photo 2: Erik – how he looks like in the inner world. In the inner world he is 73 years old man who looks like Ian McKellen when he played Magneto. So the white Erik – how he look like in the inner world. In the inner world he is 73 years old man who looks like Ian McKellen when he played Magneto. So it’s White Gray-haired man in the output and red superhero costume. But sometimes Erik could became his younger version of self. Don’t have a clue how it’s works)

culture, Disability, Jew, multiple life

My Jew alter

TW: antisemitism
More stuff about OSDD-1
Sometimes I asked myself how could I named my introject alter a Holocaust survivor. I mean how could I appropriate the experience of Holocaust survivors? But after that I remembered that split – his “birth” in my mind. It wasn’t my choice. Alter’s birth couldn’t be your choice. He was born because I used to believe that I (as a Jew) would die in the death camp all my teen ages. Because my own half-Jew Dad like the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Because our school program praised Jewish pogroms. Because strangers in Ukraine and Russia that I met in the street or in the trains call me part of the “parasite nation” because of my Jewish origin. They said it out loud. And nobody cares. Not even my parents! Because so many trolls still wish me to be killed because I’m partly Jewish.
Because antisemitism in post-USSR is so strong that people from UK couldn’t even imagine it.
Because I was shattered and most of the times I couldn’t even remember my own emotions about antisemitism.
So yep, now I have an alter who considered himself a Holocaust survival. It’s an interject of Magneto from X-Man. He based on a fictional character but his pain is real. This is mine pain. The pain that I couldn’t pain that I could not endure in any other way other than splitting my personality into pieces. So no, I’m not going to gaslight my alter’s experience and self-identity. He as real as alter could be. And he continues to be triggered and felt pain from all anti-Semitic crap that I’ve seen or heard.

Jew, Russia, Zionism

Dear Mr. Anti-Zionist

TW: antisemitism
Dear Mr. Anti-Zionist. In this International Holocaust Remembrance Day I want to write to you.

Many people think the Holocaust is impossible today.

But they are wrong! I know it because I see things that they have never seen.

When I was a schoolgirl, I thought I would die in an extermination camp.

At my school (it was an ordinary public school) the teachers were glorifying the Cossacks who organized Jewish pogroms and people who collaborated with the Nazis during the Holocaust.

I saw that the “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” were sold in our local Christian Orthodox Church, I have seen things like this from childhood.

And later, when I became little older…. strangers began to pester me on the street, on the Internet and on the trains, if they heard (or read) that I am Jewish. They called me the “lampshade”, and they called all Jews the “parasitic people”.

Even on Victory Day (celebrating the victory over the Nazi Germany; a great Russian holiday), I was confronted with a Holocaust denier who said the Jews themselves organized the Holocaust!

And when he shouted at me, the crowd around us was silent. Because in Russia, the Victory Day is not about the victory over Nazism, it is the day about the Russians’ victory over the Germans.

And my story is not the worst one. For example, my friend was beaten because she is Jewish, her nose was broken. I know that many people have problems at their university, in their workplace or renting an apartment because they are Jewish.

And these are our days. This is modern Ukraine. This is modern Russia. And people all over the world do not care about it! Even human right activists don’t care!

So yes, I think anti-Semitism is a REAL problem. And I consider that anti-Zionism is a REAL problem!

When people ask me why I am a Zionist, I often answer that if there were no Israel, the Holocaust would have happened again.

I’m not talking about the policy of specific governments of Israel! Of course I don’t always agree with them! The modern Israeli administration has many problems, and it is perfectly normal to criticize it, like any other administration in any other country! So, I’m not talking about politics now! I’m talking about Zionism. I want to say that I’m Zionist and proud of it!

And if someone disagrees with me, that’s their problem. I know that many people that I know are anti-Zionist, I know their arguments and don’t want to hear them now!

Because for me, Zionism is a question of survival.

So never again!

Jews have already lost six million of our people, and we don’t want new victims.

But what about you, dear Mr. Anti-Zionist?

Ageism, Autism, Disability, Jew, Russia, Youth Right

Ones upon a time, in Russian the train…

When I was a teen I used to babbled about Rothschild family.

You know, they were my special interests.

So one day I was seating in the train that going from Moscow to Ivanovo and talking nonstop about Rothschilds with my grandpa.

The old lady, (she was sitting in front of me) Interrupted me.

– Oh, what a smart cutty little girl! – she said,- probably you are an excellent student?

You know, she used that sweeeet nasty voice that adults usually use when they talk to babies? But the baby – I mean, me – was a TEEN!

And after that she did something even more disgusting.

– You know, – she said to me. – These Rothschilds are Jews. So they control all governments. In general, Jews are to blame for all the problems of the world. Jews are parasites.

I was really exhausted. I had a strong sensory overload. Only Rothschilds babbling could help me.

But when this women said that “Jew are parasites” I started yelling at her. It was something like:

– How your dare, how your dare, how you dare! My dad is half-Jewish! No, I’m JEWISH! I’m Jewish!

And after that…

The lady looked at me like I had turned into a monster. She just ran away at the other end of the train, far away from us.

And then I had a real meltdown.

I was crying. I was stimming. I was screaming. Screaming some absurd phrases…. something about NLP… something about adults who were using me, manipulating me all the time.

– Just get away from me! All of you!

I hardly understood what was flying out of my mouth after I had a meltdown.

I was so scared!

I was so scared that I was a “parasite” for most Russian people, and I hated myself for not being able to change public opinion. Hated myself for the fact that I’m not such powerful like my favorite Rothschilds!

And I blamed myself for my “excessive emotionality.”

– She just has hysteria! She is a psycho!

That was said by this woman who considered me a parasite.

– Behave yourself! You are really like a psiycho.

And that was said by my own grandmother.

Even my grandpa — my best friend — began to blame me for my meltdown.

And I blamed myself too. Many, many months after this case.

But now I don’t blame myself.

I’m just angry. I get angry whenever I remember this incident. I am still angry after all these years.

It wasn’t the only one incident when strangers called me a “parasite” because I’m Jewish. Just the first.

But this particular case made me thinking about how often ableism, ageism and anti-semitism (and racism) can be inseparable.